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Swimming 0-6 year olds
Together, we’ll teach your child to feel safe and confident both above and below the water. You’ll be amazed to see that, within a few lessons, they’ll be moving freely under the water. As they progress through the classes, they’ll move from the early days of enjoying the freedom and fun (floating, kicking and splashing about) to learning to swim independently. Most of our toddlers can swim short distances by around the age of 2, and have mastered vital skills including how to turn around and hold on and, where possible, how to clamber out. All of this is a great source of pride for you and them (and us!) and offers fantastic safety skills should they ever fall into the water. Contact our friendly local office for more information on our classes for 0-6 year olds in warm pools across Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire

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Price Info:    from £18.50 per lesson, paid by convenient monthly direct debit


Opening Times:    We have classes running 7 days a week - please call us for further information

Offer Ends Date:    

Town:    Across Bucks & Beds

County:     Buckinghamshire